Swimming Fish
Digital Animation
This project was the culmination of all the building blocks shown below. The goal of this project was to implement all the information and techniques that I learned (timing, exaggeration, arc, squash and stretch, slow in and out) into a short clip.
Bouncing Ball with Tail
Digital Animation
This was my first project that I used to explore the exaggeration, squash and stretch, arc, secondary action, and timing. Here, I used these principles to animate a bouncing ball with a tail.
Swinging Ball
Digital Animation
This was the fourth project in which I explore timing, arc, and slow in/slow out. This animation is a shaded ball swinging back and fourth from a suspended point.
Waving Flag
Digital Animation
The waving flag is the third project. Here I explore timing and secondary action to animate a flag blowing in high winds.
Hammer and Nail
Digital Animation
This is the fifth project. Here, I used the principles of exaggeration, squash and stretch, timing, slow in and slow out, and secondary action to animate a heavy hammer coming down on a nail.